A legjobb natív társkereső az interneten
A legjobb natív társkereső az interneten

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Clarisse Adatlap információk

No hurry but I'm ready when you are...
Év 57 Honnan való? Deltona, Florida - Elérhető - 2 héttel ezelőtt
Hölgy keres Férfit

Általános adatok

Idegen nyelvek:  
I am a 47 year old BBW. Yes I am a plus size woman and I am okay with that. It doesn't hold me back from all that life has to offer. Nothing deters from living a good and happy life because happiness comes from within when you finally find your balance with the world around you. I have an eclectic personality which probably stems from my diverse heritage. My Mother was Irish, German and Dutch. My father was Irish and Cherokee. I identify most with the Native American and Irish aspects of who I am.As for my interests, I love my animals (and all animals in general for that matter). I like to cook the occasional “food experiment”, go out with friends who are also foodies to test new and unusually restaurants, paint, write, create things with my hands, explore the world and see things that I have never seen before. If you were to ask me to describe myself in one sentence I would say, “I am a restless artist and intrepid explorer of the unknown.”As for why I am on here… Well, I am not looking to just hook up or play games. I am also not saying that I am on here husband hunting either. I am 47 years old and have never married yet. I am not desperate. And I don’t feel as if I need a man to complete me. That would indicate that I think that I am inadequate or missing some fundamental part of myself. That is not the case. The man that I am looking for feels the same way about himself. And he is also tired of those who use dating sites to see how many people they can date, married or otherwise. The man I would like to meet is a little more country than that. And if you can't tell by now that I am a big country music fan... then you most likely aren't. But if you are, well heck, I like getting my redneck on too! That is just another part of who I am. I was born a little hillbilly girl in a small back woods town of 197 people. But please be aware, that does not make me stupid. I am decently educated... I'm just country and proud of it.The best people I have ever met are honest, down to earth, good hearted, country people. They are simple and unpretentious. It may sound corny, but they respect their parents, honor God, and love this land that we are for a brief time permitted to reside on. These are my kind of people. So if what I have said fits into your lifestyle and you want to learn more about me, just ask. I will try to reply. The truth is that I am not really very good at this online dating thing so I haven’t quite figured out how it works or how to reply yet but I am trying to get that learning curve down.

Megjelenés és helyzete

Telt és szép
1.65 m
Szemeim színe  
Kaukázusi, Amerikai őslakos
Családi állapotom  
Vannak gyerekeim  
Szeretnék gyerekeket  
Nem biztos benne
Az amire büszke vagyok:  
Átfúrt ... de csak a füle(i)m, Látható tetoválás
Hajam színe:  
Madár, Kutya


Főiskolai végzettség
A háziállataimmal
Nyugodt környezet
Kedvelem az alkoholt  


A középiskolában  
Szociális magatartásom:  
Komikus, Barátságos, Figyelmes, Társaságkedvelő, Tartózkodó
Művészet és kézművesség, Főzés, Vacsorák, Internet, Tanulás, Filmek, Fotográfia, Olvasás, Utazás, Volöntőrködés
Tökéletes szórakozás?  
Barátkozás, Bevásárlás, Kaszinózás, Múzeum, Könyv olvasása, Lazítás, Otthon tartózkodás, Filmezés, Új dolgok kipróbálása
A tökéletes első randi így néz ki számomra:  
Surprise me!
Így látnak barátaim:  
Barátságos, Királyinak, Ostobának


Vallási nézeteim:  
To live life the best way I know how.
Hajtűdobáló, Okos, Szarkasztikus, Barátságos, Ostobának, Titokzatosnak


Mit nézek?  
Dokumentumfilm, Dráma, Filmek
Mit nézek a moziban?  
Akció, Komédia, Dráma, Család centrikus tartalom, Animáció, Horror, Krimi
Amikor zenét hallgatok, mindig meghallgatom a  
Mit olvasok?  
Fikció, Horror, Költészet
Mit jelent a szórakozás a részemre:  
Just about anything except the bar scene. I am not really into that. I'm kind of casual and laid back. I don't need anything elaborate to have fun. Sometimes just a movie at home is my idea of a good evening. Don't get me wrong, I like to do big stuff too. Who doesn't want to see Las Vegas or Alaska? I know I do. And I know going on a Caribbean cruise would be really fun. But I don't need all that to have fun. I can have fun with something as simple as playing with my pets. Fun is not in what you are doing, but how you view life and what you are doing.


Mit tart vonzónak?  
Empátia, Ügyesség, Humor, Tudás, Érzékenység, Spontaneitás, Komolyság, Szellemesség
Mi az ami után kutat?  
A man who knows who he is. Who is honest and loyal. Who is mature enough to not play games with a woman's heart. Who is strong but not controlling. Who is gentle but not weak. Who is seeking a good woman but at the same time does not need her to make his life okay because he is already alright with himself.
Mi után kutat?  
Internet társ, Barát, Dátum, Intim kapcsolat, Elkötelezettség